Sunday, February 14, 2010

Poetry Anthology?

My senior year in high school, I took a creative writing class. One of the big assignments of this class was that at the end of the year we would make a booklet of our favourite poems and short stories with pictures. Today, as I was milling through my room at home, I came across a copy of my poetry anthology, named after Copeland's song "Good Morning Fire Eater". I think my favourite pare about this book was the cover:

It's an old French circus poster! I thought this one was so cool and I thought it worked with the eccentric qualities of many of the poems that I had written. So, as I was reading through the book, I thought it might be fun to share some of my favourites with you over the next few days. Tonight's is one where we were given a picture to write the poem about and a line that we had to use. This is the poem I came up with:

Her world was a place of loneliness
Where the world would pass
By without a glance
She would stare into her coffee cup
And see the reflections of her soul
The black and cream would swirl together
Reminding her that she was alone
She would ponder life and love and happiness
None of which she had
The gathering darkness could be seen
Through the windows from where she sat
The bitterness that she felt
Was mimicked by the coffee
Burning her throat as it went down
The world passes by
Her world was a place of loneliness

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