Thursday, February 25, 2010

"Don't tell me what to do!"

"Don't tell me what to do!" I can't tell you how many times I hear college students say this phrase, and I'm sick and tired of hearing it. There are people out there who are wiser than you in certain areas, or maybe they have something to speak into your life that is worth you hearing and listening to. Maybe you need to be called out on a behavior or a continual sin that you do not realize is still in your life until someone "tells you what to do". But people don't listen, do they? They always think they're right.
When I think back on the Bible, anyone who was considered "wise" had advisors who, in a way, told them what to do. David was constantly looking to Nathan for help. Solomon had his advisors. God sent numerous prophets to the people of Israel to tell them what to do. For heaven's sake, Jesus TOLD people how to live their lives! If you don't want people telling you what to do, might as well stop living your life by the Bible.
Without people "telling you what to do" you ARE going to stop growing, and it is the people who aren't growing that God won't use.
I am sick of the world's "Don't tell me what to do!" attitude.

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