Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I Don't Want a Boy

I don't want a boy pretending to be a man.
I don't want a boy with immature feelings.
A boy who is in his mid-twenties acting like he's still a teenager.
I don't want a boy.
I don't want a boy who would rather play video games than have an insightful conversation.
I don't want a boy who can't do what's right because it's too hard.
A boy who gives up when things get too rough.
I don't want a boy.
I don't want a boy who makes promises he cannot keep.
I don't want a boy who won't fully give his heart away.
A boy who is afraid to love.
I don't want a boy.

I want a man.
I want a man who just is.
I want a man who can express what is really going on beneath the surface.
A man, no matter what age, acts like a man.
I want a man.
I want a man who still likes to have fun, but would like to go for a walk rather than play Oblivion.
I want a man who will step up and do what is right, no matter the difficulty.
A man who will endure trials.
I want a man.
I want a man who does what he says he will.
I want a man who will completely give his heart to me.
A man that will love me with everything in his being, second only to God.

I want a man.
And I will wait for a man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A man who reflects God's compassion and love. A man who can have childlike enthusiasm and abandonment but knows when and how to fight. The heart of a worshiper as well as a warrior. One who is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in nor afraid to reveal his heart. A man truly worth waiting for. I had one of those Paige.....believing for one and the same for you.

Continue to walk in wisdom and in grace. You will grow, learn and be able to recognize him when you meet him. He will be the "old shoe". :)

Love you,