Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sushi and Other Adventures

One thing that I really enjoy about Roberts campus is the fact that in addition to the typical campus cafeteria food, they have this specialty bar of sorts. The other day they had panini's there. Today was something pretty special. Sushi. You heard me right. Sushi.
Who would have ever thought that I would go to college and end up eating sushi? I can honestly tell you that this was one of the last things I expected to encounter at Roberts! But, I, being the adventurous kind of girl that I am, went up to the specialty bar and inquired about the sushi. The man that was working the bar at that time explained to me what each type of sushi was and which ones he liked best. There were all different types and different kinds of sauces and I was pretty excited to try it to tell you the truth. In the end, I ended up trying a couple different types, a vegetarian sushi roll, a spicy shrimp sushi roll (that one was my favourite), a California sushi roll with caviar on the outside, and a smoked salmon sushi roll. I really enjoyed all of them and I think that this is something that I'll definitely keep with me throughout my life.
Earlier today, each dorm was supposed to go on a service project around the city to "show Rochester who we are". My dorm was scheduled to go and pick up garbage on the side of the road. Too bad for us it was going to rain right in the middle of our garbage picking. So, instead of letting us get soaked on the side of some road, we were sent on a tour of Rochester. Darn. I was so looking forward to gathering trash. From the safety of our bus my dorm mates and I gazed out as the city of Rochester passed before us.
Rochester really is a great city to live near. So many little coffee shops that I'm looking forward to studying in, places where bands play for free, art galleries and museums. Although I'm not directly in the city, I'm definitely looking forward to exploring it more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Paigie. I am loving your blog. However, the scene of Rochester was funny to me cause I forgot you don't live in Rochester like us!!! I was like, "What? She's from here??" I am really silly like that. I miss you and I miss Jordy. But I am so glad you are both doing well. Jordy's room looks similar to yours accept there are a ton of running posters on the walls...I'll keep reading!!