Monday, October 18, 2010

A Different Me

Why is it that we act differently around different friends?
Or rather, why is it that when I am around friends who I have not been around a lot, I feel as though I have to act like the Paige I used to be and not the Paige I am now?
I have grown in so many different aspects over the last year or so, but I feel as if when I go around my friends that I do not have to opportunity of seeing as often as I would like, I have to revert to who I was when I left for college. What am I afraid of?
I know that those who truly loved me for who I was will still love me no matter what I become, and yet I fear that they will reject me now.
It's funny... I'm so much more confident in who I am, as if I am finally starting to come into more of the fullness of who I truly am; accepting that it's okay to let who I really am out. I think the people who have watch me grow though my college experiences thus-far can see this in me. And yet, I am not confident in myself whatsoever when confronted with friends that I don't see as much.
I guess it's just something that God is going to have to help me grow through.

1 comment:

Em said...

We will always love you for who you are now, not who you used to be (although we loved you then too), or who you're going to be, but who you are today, at this moment. Don't be afraid to be completely and fully you all the time. You are the woman God created you to be. I couldn't be more proud to call you friend, you're my sister :)