Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pins, Needles and Piercings

Last time I wrote about how I had been taking Benadryl, and I think it's time to explain. You see, I normally don't take Benadryl unless it seems completely necessary. Benadryl is some potent stuff. Knocks you for a loop like nobody else's business. I don't like that. So, I normally limit my Benadryl consumption to when I get stung by a bee or something along that line.

Benadryl..... The evil little pink pill......
So, I realized recently that I hadn't gotten some shots that I needed for college. On Wednesday my mom picked me up after my classes and we headed down to my doctor's office in Honeoye Falls. I got three shots that night, and wasn't too happy with it, but I survived. The next day it seemed as if one of the injection sites was a little bit itchy, almost like a mosquito bite, but I didn't think too much of it until my roommate saw it and freaked out. It was bright red around the injection site and looked like I had gotten attacked by a horsefly. Since it was late, there was nothing I could really do about it until the next day. So, Friday I headed down to the health and wellness center to see the nurse practitioner that they have on duty here and she gave me a bunch of Benadryl for it. Needless to say, I spent the next 24 hours in the constant state of drowsy delirium and confusion that Benadryl brings on. In retrospect though, my arm is all better!
After that experience this week, you would think that I would have had enough of pins and needles for a while, but apparently it was just the week to do it all! This weekend has been a very strange weekend in my dorm to say the least. It seems as if no one is actually here. I think there were maybe 10 girls on my flat all weekend, so, for the most part, we all went to lunch and dinner together. On Saturday we were all at lunch together when one of the girls suggested that we all do something together. When questioned what she thought we should do, she commented, "Let's go get tattoos!" and laughed. This started a conversation on tattoos and piercings. Well, wouldn't you know it, that little comment she made became the igniter for what we would spend the rest of the day doing. We ran back to our dorm after lunch and researched different tattoo and piercing parlors in Rochester, and decided on one on West Henrietta Road, The Ultimate, who's piercer had been a nurse for over 20 years before going into the piercing business..... and they give discounts to college students. We got directions to the place and piled into two cars.
The result:

Good news is, it really doesn't hurt at all. That is, unless someone decides to hit you in the ear. Then it really hurts. But! I like it a lot. I'm quite pleased with the result!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well.....I guess I like it better than a tattoo.